
Monday, August 30, 2010


  1. gnuplot is a software with open license available to be downloaded from the web. Just type "gnuplot" on your search engine and you should be able to found it.
  2. Solely used to plot a graph from a raw data or other means of input. The graph type covered from simple points plot to interesting 3D plot including contour plot.
  3. Very useful for those involved in experimental activities which produce a raw variable data such as velocity, temperature etc to represent the data in graphical mode.
  4. As for me, I am using LDV to produce a velocity grid data ussually in x, y and z coordinate. With the available experimental data I am capable to plot the velocity contour and vector with satisfied quality by gnuplot.
  5. Shows below the sample of the final result using gnuplot. I will post more information on the command used in gnuplot. Go and give it a try!!!

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