
Monday, August 30, 2010


  1. gnuplot is a software with open license available to be downloaded from the web. Just type "gnuplot" on your search engine and you should be able to found it.
  2. Solely used to plot a graph from a raw data or other means of input. The graph type covered from simple points plot to interesting 3D plot including contour plot.
  3. Very useful for those involved in experimental activities which produce a raw variable data such as velocity, temperature etc to represent the data in graphical mode.
  4. As for me, I am using LDV to produce a velocity grid data ussually in x, y and z coordinate. With the available experimental data I am capable to plot the velocity contour and vector with satisfied quality by gnuplot.
  5. Shows below the sample of the final result using gnuplot. I will post more information on the command used in gnuplot. Go and give it a try!!!

Hadith 31 August 2010

Long, long, long time ago somebody have made a promise that he think he capable to fulfill. Apparently he has been overestimating himself while doing so. Forgive that man, because he also a human who try to bring out the best out of himself.

The hadith of today was "assodoqatulburhan" which means "a charity is a prove".
  1. In this hadith, Rasulullah s.a.w try to tell us that a charity is a prove of someone faith.
  2. The charity here should not only be referred to money. Although money could be an easy example to make people understand the meaning of charity, the scope of charity is as starting from money to every single "nikmat" that Allah have gave to us; food, ideas, strength, advices etc.
  3. For us to be able to give or share the "nikmat" gifted to us with the others is the prove of our faith. The more you give the stronger your faith is.
  4. From now on we could take this as an indication of our faith. Try to self-asses the charity done by us so that we can have an idea on the state of our own faith.
  5. May Allah give us the self-consciousness on our faith, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hadith on 19 August 2010

I have been missing two consecutive Fajr Jemaah. Considering it to be in the month of Ramadhan, it was a poor statistic. A nap after "sahur" was a really really bad idea. With only two hours slept before the "sahur", the nap seems not to be a nap anymore. Anyway, I will try to keep up posting the hadiths even if I am not there during the session. Here are the hadiths for the last three session.

5th day hadith means "seeking of knowledge is a must for every muslim".
  1. This is a very popular hadith that have been applied to us when it comes to learning. Another popular hadith that always joined together with this one is "seek knowledge even to China".
  2. Some scholar said that the compulsory knowledge that should be seek by the muslim is the knowledge related to "fardhu ain". While the other category of knowledge which is available to be seek is the "fardhu kifayah".
  3. The "fardhu ain" knowledge involves the matters which is related to the "akhirah" such as "fiqh". Every single muslim must have this kind of knowledge to ensure that he will be able to make his decision base on the principles of Islam and to live an Islamic way of life.
  4. The "fardhu kifayah" is another category of knowledge that most of us called it as "ilmu dunia". This category of knowledge we do not need to have all of that available. To be a master in one particular field of this knowledge will give us the responsibility to make the decision for our community in the matters related to our expertise. For example, the expertise in law will be the judge for his community, the expertise in building construction will be the one who make decision on building construction plan and so on.
  5. So as the "fardhu ain" is a must for everyone of us, we must try to put in our best effort in seeking it. This can be done by many means; being close to "ulama", attending a "taqlim" at our nearest musolla and a lot of other ways.
  6.  Let us pray for Allah to help us in obtaining such a knowledge and with the knowledge we will capable of improving our faith and the quality of our "ibadah", insyaAllah...     
6th day hadith means "to be shy is a part of the faith"
  1. There are lots of things that could possibly be implemented by this hadith and one of the obvious things is when it come to "aurat". As you can see today, the matter of "aurat" have been taken too easy among the muslim. With the woman and man to be appear half naked for almost every editions of magazines, feels of shame have been slowly degraded from us. As to feel shy is part of our faith, degraded it means degraded our faith. 
  2. There are lots of other things that can be said of the hadith, and it will go on unstopped. Among all these the most important is for a us to be shy to our creator, Allah s.w.t. We should be shy to Allah because it was Him who give us our life to begin with.
  3. We should be shy when we are using our life not accordingly to Allah guidance, yet Allah has not taken it from us in instant.
  4. We should be shy when we are not spending our money wisely base on the guidance of Allah, yet Allah has not stop us from having it.
  5. We should be shy when we were to talk something bad because even for our own mouth and tongue we will never be able to move it without the permission from Allah.
  6. Be shy to our Creator, Allah and insyaAllah we will become a "mutaqqin".      


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hadith on 16 August 2010

Today hadith is a little bit long as compared to the previous one. It means "you will be together with whom you love".

  1. This hadith explain that we will be with whom we love in our live in the hereafter.
  2. There are story on which a companion go and told Rasulullah s.a.w, "I afraid that I will not be able to see you in akhirat because you will be placed by Allah at the highest possible heaven while I might be somewhere which is too far away from your place. While I am alive in this world I can get close to you, meeting you at the "masjid", talk to you and I am afraid that I will miss all that in the afterlife".
  3. Rasullulah kept silent until Allah reveal Surah An-Nisa', versus 69; "Those who obey Allah and the Messenger belong with those blessed by Allah; the prophets, the saints, the martyrs, and the righteous. These are the best company".
  4. With this versus it was clearly stated that even if ourselves are not to be mentioned in the Islamic history we can still belong together with these great figures in Islam in the afterlife.
  5. Let us love our prophet Muhammad s.a.w by following the path of Sunnah and insyaAllah we will be together with Him in the hereafter. Amin   

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hadith on 15 August 2010

The hadith for today is "every good thing is a charity".
  1. We should remember that every single, small, tiny thing done by us will be taken into account by Allah s.w.t
  2. As for a good deeds, Allah will take it into account as charity done by us. Even if we were smiling to the  others it will be considered as a charity.
  3. But we must not forget that we should not limit our good deeds only among the muslim brothers. It should be widespread to all regardless of their religion, country, races and others.
  4. By the name of Allah the Almighty, Muhammad s.a.w was sent for all humankind. We should remember this and also practicing it.
  5. Let us continue doing good deeds and pray that Allah will accept our deeds, insyaAllah. 

Friday, August 13, 2010


I bet that many of you out there already have your own insurances regardless of it  types (i.e: personal, car, health, and others). Nowadays even a loan can be covered by insurance. I have a very interesting story to share with regarding the insurance. 

I have once involved with FOREX investment at the early stage of my carrier. To begin with, FOREX investment has been introduced by a friend of mine which I don't really close with. But, when it comes to money everything is possible. Even an unknown criminal and policeman can be a partner if they were to share of the money that they got from a robbery. Driven by the money, I blindly agree to be a partner to my "friend". At that time we agree to put in nearly RM5,000 each for a start.

I know nothing about FOREX at that time and I just let my partner take care of everything for me. One day my partner phoned and told me that we need to put in more money into our investment. I have no more money at that time. He start to tell me the real situation of our investment. It is something to do with floating and bla.. bla... I don't really get it but what I know was that my RM5,000 will be soon gone if no more fund were to be injected into the investment.

My partner came out with a decision that he will take a personal loan around RM7,000 to make the fund available. Since he is not a government servant, it is impossible to make a loan without a guarantor. For the sake of RM5,000 I agree to be a guarantor to the RM7,000 loan. Even after the new injected capital our investment still failed and I have lost all of my RM5,000. I am so disappointed that I decided that I will never ever getting involved with FOREX or any of it kinds again in the future.

While I am crying for my RM5,000 lost, my friend struggling to pay the monthly payment of the loan. There were a time when I received a call from the bank with regards of the loan because he was not able to make
the repayment in time. Driven by the anxiety, I once asked the bank about the loan. It was a shock when I know that the RM7,000 loan will be need to be repaid up until RM 14,000 including interest. Madness!!!

Then I start to have a bad thought, what will happen if my "friend" suddenly incapable to repay the loan. As a guarantor I will be responsible to settle off the loan for him. Guess what? my bad thought came true and in a very shocking way. Around one year after the unsuccessful investment I received a news of my friend death. His got infected by "denggi" and past away within five days. It is sad, because at that time we are still at a very young age but it is more sad that the worst ever scenario that I could imagine happen.

Thankfully he got a very kind mother and brother who take care of his loan payment after I have meet them and told them the story. As if he were to take an insurance on his loan, nobody will need to pay anything after his death. That the story of mine, so if you are or will be a guarantor please take note of this and even if you a the one who plan to take the loan make sure that your insured them. I am sure that all of us don't want people to be responsible of our own action after our death.   


Hadith on 14 August 2010

It has been four days since the 1st Ramadhan and I should now be able to post at least four post on the daily shared hadith by the Imam after the Fajr prayer. Up until now only one is available and today I will try to recover all of them in one post. To be honest I miss the 3rd day Fajr Jamaah and I just learn the hadith from other people.

2nd day hadith was "assaumuljunna" which means "fasting is a shield"
  1. As we are fasting, we should remind ourselves that we are now creating a shield around us. A shield that will protect us from syaitan and bad deeds.
  2. In another hadith it was said that "there are people who are fasting but only to get hungry and thirst". It is important that we know that fasting is not just not to eat and drink, it should also an ibadah that should enhance our iman. To do so we must protect our fasting from all the possible action that could harm our fasting.
  3. Just like in the making of a shield. Perfect production of a shield will produce best shield and bad production of a shield cloud only bring harm to those who used it.
  4. May Allah help us in producing our shield in this month of "barakah", insyaAllah
3rd day hadith was "la tagh'dab" which means "don't be angry"
  1. It is known that anger is a cause of many other bad things; more like a door that will lead the way to another bad deeds.
  2. Because of anger we could possibly breach our "silaturahim". Because of anger a husband and wife will be at at verge of divorce. Because of anger someone could possibly kill other to satisfy his anger.
  3. These are examples of things that could be driven by our anger. It is important for us to watch out our own anger to prevent us from doing something that we will be regretting in the future.
  4. A hadith from Rasulullah s.a.w which means "The strength of a man is not measured by who is winning in a physical fight but the truly strong man is the one who can fight his own anger".
  5. Let us try not to get angry and to do so we should be forgiving others for their mistakes, insyaAllah.
4th day hadith was "a muslim is a brother to the other  muslim". Forgive me because I truly forgot the Arabic sentence of this.
  1. This is a very important hadith that we should be sharing with the others. More importantly, share this hadith with the kids and let them grow up with the feeling of ukhuwah among them.
  2. In today's world we have been categorized in so many things. First our nationality, then our languages, then our races, then our culture and the list goes on and on.
  3. We have to amid that these categorization has lead us to be more or less selfish. We will only be concern with the issues that affect our own category. For example on the issue of Palestine, Malaysian people has noticeably react to the issue when a ship with Malaysian citizen has been seize. And when these hostages have been released the issue of Palestine fading away from the mind of Malaysians (this is my own example).
  4. This is one of the strength that we Muslim have lost; the brotherhood of Islam. To be strong is to be united and there is only one thing that can't be made into two; Allah our God.
  5. Let us try to nurture the Islamic brotherhood within ourselves so that once again the world will see the true strength of Islam, insyaAllah.  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

plan and execute

Today is a national holiday for Japan. It is a religious holiday in which people will go to the graveyard and calling the spirit of their ancestors to come back. I don't really know what it means by "come back" . But I believe that they assume the spirits have been wandering around and this event is to called them back to the place where their body has been buried. It is a big occasion for the them (Japan-people), the official holidays for this occasion are 5 days including Sunday and Saturday.

All of my laboratory members have gone back to their hometown and it left me and only me alone. I intended to also taking holiday as the others but I have a big day to be prepare to. I am now working on a research project funded by a company and have been scheduled to have my presentation in front of my sponsor on Wed next week; the second day after the holiday. So working, working and keep on working.

In terms of working time, I think I have spend the same amount of time as before. But, how do I spend my working time is completely different. Back then, it was common for me to spend around 9 hours for meeting and maybe around 7 hours for class in a week. As for now I have to meet my supervisor for only 1 hour in two weeks and attending a class of 2 hours in one week. To have a look at it; it seems that more free time for me now but the truth is it is not. Less activities scheduled on you by the others means that you have to work on your own schedule or planning. Not only that, you will have to make sure you execute them accordingly to your own plan. For not being able to do so, as for my case; I will about to find out how RED can a human face be (my supervisor face).

So, this is one of the elements that I found to be a very important when it comes to completing a phD; creating your own plan and execute it accordingly. As for me I am still learning to be good on it and for those who have already master this, you are now a very strong candidate to complete your phD.

Gud Luck !!!   

first followers


Thanks to my truly caring niece, Mira. I now have my first ever followers. Don't forget to ask for the prize in the future.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hadith on 11 August 2010

Just coming back from the "musolla" a.k.a surau for Fajr. Starting from yesterday we have invited Imam from Nagoya to our musolla and he is expected to be with us through the Ramadhan, insyaAllah. We have this very short session of Taqlim after Fajr prayer. He decided to share a short hadith with all of us in this Taqlim.

  1. He mentions that he will be sharing a short hadith and "short" here means that it will be a part of a long hadith. It is obviously because it will be easier to be memorize and our aim is to have a 30 hadith memorized at the end of Ramadhan.
  2. The first hadith is "wama a'malu bil niat". Meaning that "every action start with an intention". A very short hadith that have a very wide meanings. If we were to go further down in this particular hadith, Rasulullah s.a.w has also said that we will get from our action base on what we have intended to.
  3. If we are doing something for the sake of the money, we will get the money. And if we are doing something with an intention of getting a rewards from Allah, then we will get the rewards from Allah. This is how simple Allah have set our life as a human.
  4. There is a story on the Day of Judgment. A group of rich people have been called to face Allah. This group of people have gave in lots of their properties for charity and they have been asked by Allah "Why are you doing this (gaving the charity)?". And these people answered, "We are doing this for the sake of You, Allah the Almighty". Allah s.w.t replied, "No, you are doing this to show people how rich you are", and Allah not giving them any rewards from their actions as they already known in their living life as a rich people just like what they intended to in the first place.
  5. It is a very important for us to know our pure intention before taking an action. By doing so we will avoiding ourselves doing something useless or harmful. Let us always pray to Allah that He will always remind us to have a good intention and let us constantly refresh our intention so that we will get the precious rewards from Allah in the hereafter.   

10 August 2010

I have been having this intention of creating some sort of journal for my phD life since I first arrived in Japan. I guess its never materialize until this first post on my phD life. Here are some chronology of my journey up until now.
  1. I have decided to pursuit  for phD a long time ago since SPM. I remember exactly the name of my schoolmate Yusma Bariza. What a name to begin with, and his father was a Professor in UPM if I am not mistaken.
  2. It was not a common thing for you to know so much about your friend's father back then but his father apparently was a Chairman of PIBG for my school. Having such big title in front of his name appears in numbers of school occasion is not one of the way to go unnoticed.
  3. My question to my teacher was "How can a guy entitled to a such titles?"
  4. Then my teacher start to tell me a story that I have a little understanding on it. Coming to my own conclusion, to be entitled to such title I must have a Doctorate.
  5. At that exact moment come the desire for a phD deep inside of me. To think about it, there are a lot of advantages of being a boy. You are so naive and fearless, the only thing that you know is that you just want to have what ever you wish for.
  6. From that moment onwards everything went on as plan, although it was not as smooth as I wished it to be but the journey started.
  7. Here I am now living my own dream.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Ho !! Ho!! Ho!! First ever post.

  1. I remember that the first digital camera that we have bought was a Sony; and I don't really care about the model name so please don't ask me about it.
  2. As far as I remembered, it was bought  as a present for my wife on our 2nd anniversary, and that was what I thought. Apparently my wife doubt it, and I don't want to fight on it because as far as I am concern I have the worse memory ever when it comes to these small tiny details. What I do remember that I already bought a digital camera for us to be occupied with.
  3. So this camera was quite an old model because it still using the 3A bateries and I doubt you can still find one of it kind in the market today. One of the annoying thing is that these 3A batteries seems to only last for 4 hours.
  4. I don't know what is the function of the On/Off button because even after you switch it Off, the batteries will still fading away. As a preventive action, we will need to take the batteries out of the casing after we finished taking picture. I remember that once we want to take a picture of a monkey during a trip in a zoo, my wife could not find the batteries as the batteries fall out from the casing into my wife's handbag. If you have a wife with three kids then you should be able to imagine how it is impossible to find a batteries in a your wife's handbag in a very short period of time; full with napkin, bottles, biscuits and other things, not to mention those things that belong to the mom herself. So we miss the monkeys...
  5. But with all the financial investment that have been made on the camera we survived until about last few months.
  6. Arriving at Japan, making friends with all the young people who don't really know where to spend their money, we getting involved with people those have something with a Nikkon tag hanging at their neck where-ever they go. This kind of virus doesn't only infecting the young people. I recall a moment when we are viewing some pictures of our friends going for a camping trip. There is one particular picture in which all the moms having this thing hanging at their neck and I think they do it on purpose.
  7. After that moment, my wife start to make her move. Clearly she already infected by this virus and I know that only by getting the thing "with the tag" will cure it.
  8. Here I am now, in the search for the cure for my wife.


  1. Having tried so many alternative name for my first ever published blog and none are available.
  2. When I mentioned "first ever published blog", it means that I have been creating several number of blogs before and never really got it published.   
  3. Coming up with the idea of using my daughter name and I guess nobody have ever got the same name as her up till now and it is available.
  4. I hope that she will not try to redeem for the royalty at her 18th birthday.
  5. So here goes my first blog and I hope to share lot of things with all of you. Happy reading.