
Monday, August 9, 2010


Ho !! Ho!! Ho!! First ever post.

  1. I remember that the first digital camera that we have bought was a Sony; and I don't really care about the model name so please don't ask me about it.
  2. As far as I remembered, it was bought  as a present for my wife on our 2nd anniversary, and that was what I thought. Apparently my wife doubt it, and I don't want to fight on it because as far as I am concern I have the worse memory ever when it comes to these small tiny details. What I do remember that I already bought a digital camera for us to be occupied with.
  3. So this camera was quite an old model because it still using the 3A bateries and I doubt you can still find one of it kind in the market today. One of the annoying thing is that these 3A batteries seems to only last for 4 hours.
  4. I don't know what is the function of the On/Off button because even after you switch it Off, the batteries will still fading away. As a preventive action, we will need to take the batteries out of the casing after we finished taking picture. I remember that once we want to take a picture of a monkey during a trip in a zoo, my wife could not find the batteries as the batteries fall out from the casing into my wife's handbag. If you have a wife with three kids then you should be able to imagine how it is impossible to find a batteries in a your wife's handbag in a very short period of time; full with napkin, bottles, biscuits and other things, not to mention those things that belong to the mom herself. So we miss the monkeys...
  5. But with all the financial investment that have been made on the camera we survived until about last few months.
  6. Arriving at Japan, making friends with all the young people who don't really know where to spend their money, we getting involved with people those have something with a Nikkon tag hanging at their neck where-ever they go. This kind of virus doesn't only infecting the young people. I recall a moment when we are viewing some pictures of our friends going for a camping trip. There is one particular picture in which all the moms having this thing hanging at their neck and I think they do it on purpose.
  7. After that moment, my wife start to make her move. Clearly she already infected by this virus and I know that only by getting the thing "with the tag" will cure it.
  8. Here I am now, in the search for the cure for my wife.

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